Donated with: Please select ... PayPal/Creditcard Bank transfer Bitcoin Play store Other
App Please select ... FairEmail NetGuard XPrivacyLua
Challenge/puzzle Please see the sent instructions The challenge code might start with the letter O instead of the number 0 The challenge code is not an email address!
To look up the bank transfer:
Your last name
Amount transferred € Please use a decimal point instead of a comma and do not enter a currency symbol
Date of transfer (YYYY-MM-DD) Please enter a date
Please double check your email address
To look up the Bitcoin/Monero transaction:
Transaction amount (BTC/XMR) without fee Please use a decimal point instead of a comma
Estimated € Powered by CryptoCompare
Transaction hash Please enter a hash The transaction needs to be confirmed
Play store purchases can only be used by apps installed through the Play store. Google does not allow the use of Play store purchases outside the Play store.
Most of the app is already free to use, so the pro features are not necessary to test the app.
Please don't promise anything if you don't intend to keep your promises.
Before submitting this form, please verify your email address by sending an email to Only the email address is relevant. The subject and the message text do not matter. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your email has been received and processed, usually within a few minutes. Received email will be automatically deleted after about a day.
This option is for special cases only and can only be used after prior contact. Unsolicited requests will be ignored.
Donation/contact email address To lookup the donation Email addresses cannot be changed. If needed, use the next field. A PayPal account can have multiple email addresses, see the instructions for the correct email address Always use the same email address consistently
Activation email address To send the instructions to (optional) If this address is different from the donation address, it needs to be verified by sending an email to Only the email address is relevant. The subject and the message text do not matter. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your email has been received and processed, usually within a few minutes. Received email will be automatically deleted after about a day. 🌎 Google Translate
⚠ All fields are required unless otherwise stated. ⓘ If the submit button doesn't work, please make sure that JavaScript is enabled, that scripts are not being blocked, or try another browser.
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Copyright © 2015–2025 by Marcel Bokhorst (M66B)